For those who have required surgery, either from a traumatic injury repair or to otherwise correcting an undesired feature, the process of recovery can be fraught with emotions. Some days, one might feel triumphant as their range of motion starts
Diagnosing and Treating Arthritis
Joint pain is a common ailment for many. But how do you know whether it’s something fleeting, versus something more chronic? Even using the term “arthritis” to describe joint pain can be misleading, as it broadly refers to pain caused
The Debate of Surgical Hardware Removal
Hard(ware) To Say Goodbye A traumatic injury is always accompanied by changes that need to be overcome, or at the very least, acclimated to. Even if no paralysis has occurred, victims of physical trauma often need to relearn basic skills
The 5 Most Common Shoulder Injuries in Older Adults
Our shoulders are an important part of our bodies. They allow us to express emotions, affect our posture, and afford us a wide range of motion. Our shoulders are the joints where our collarbone, shoulder blades, and upper arm bones
How an Orthopedist Can Help You—Even If You Don’t Need Surgery
Most people have at least some type of recurring injury. Whether it’s a bad back, hip pain, knee pain, or a bad shoulder, there are all types of things that can give us problems. With these types of aches and
Should I Get Surgery?
Making the decision on whether or not to get orthopaedic surgery can be a difficult one. On the one hand, having surgery can greatly improve your quality of life and allow you to enjoy activities that you once enjoyed; on
What Are Shin Splints?
The term “shin splints” is frequently used in the world of sports medicine, and it actually refers to a general symptom rather than a specific diagnosis. Shin splints refer to a symptom of pain over the front of the tibia
Swollen Knee Causes
Knee swelling, often referred to as “water on the knee,” is a very common knee symptom—in athletes and non-athletes, young and old alike. It may be acute or chronic, and it can stem from a variety of causes. Read on
Chronic and Acute Sports Injuries
Playing sports is a wonderful and exhilarating way to stay active and healthy. The competitive nature, as well as the usual teamwork, that goes along with playing sports is a way to make exercise an even more positive aspect of
The Importance of a Second Opinion
Has your orthopaedic surgeon told you that “nothing more can be done?” If yes, were you then given the names of surgeons who might give a fresh, second opinion? Chances are, the answer to that question is no. Many orthopaedic