We all know that we have to keep our bodies healthy, and that part of that includes your bones and joints. That’s usually where the general knowledge stops, though. How are you supposed to promote bone and joint healthy? You
Best of Utah Body & Mind
We are proud and grateful to accept the award of “Best Orthopedic Surgeon” in the state of Utah in 2018.
Better Posture at the Office
A large percentage of American workers spend their 9-5 shifts at a desk. And thanks to the wonders of technology, much of that time is also spent working at a computer, staring at screens, and typing on a keyboard. The
How to Build Muscle to Support Joint Health
As we age, one of the most common complaints, is pain. And more specifically, pain in our joints. Your joints go through a lot of stress over the years, so it’s natural that your joints are going to eventually wear
Lift Properly to Prevent Shoulder Injuries
The shoulder joint is the most flexible joint in the body. This might be because it’s actually made up of two different joints–the glenohumeral and acromioclavicular joints–that move in tandem to increase the range and flexibility of your shoulders and
Easy Tips for Healthier Shoulders
Most people don’t spend a lot of time thinking about their shoulders. Why would you? Your shoulders do their duty, and it’s an important body part that goes unnoticed, and often unappreciated, until they’re no longer working the way that
Common Shoulder Injuries And How to Prevent Them
Did you know that the shoulder is the most common joint in your body to experience injury? The shoulder is an area of the body that you use a lot more than you realize; damage to the shoulder joint can
Why Joint Injuries Are More Common in Winter
When the cold season starts, it’s not too uncommon to hear people complain about pain in their joints. We’ve probably all heard a grandparent mention that their joints ache when it is cold out (although this is definitely not just
Safer Exercises to Utilize as You Get Older
As a person gets further into old age, they don’t have to give up on fitness and exercise. Contrary to some popular viewpoints, fitness is not a young person’s game, and it is even more important for an elderly person
Dealing with Runner’s Knee
The knee is one of the most important, and used, joints in the human body. Because of its nearly constant utilization, the knee also sustains a considerable amount of stress and can be injured. One of the most common injuries