The weight of the upper body on your lower back makes it a common target for back pain. Back pain is caused by a variety of conditions and diseases, including ruptured discs, degenerative discs, and osteoporosis. Overexertion resulting from strenuous
How to Care for Your Knees as a Runner
Running can be a great outdoor activity to delve into for building both physical and mental stamina as the weather warms up, but it can definitely wreak havoc on your knees if you aren’t careful. In fact, the term “runner’s
The Best Foods for Stronger Bones and Joints
Good nutrition is essential for maintaining good health, including bone health. Many know that it’s important to eat calcium-rich foods for stronger bones, but what many don’t know is that it’s important to pair these foods with ones that are
A Closer Look at Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
You, like almost everyone else in the world, have probably bumped your funny bone (officially called the ulnar nerve) at some point in time. Though it often prompts a laugh, hitting that nerve induces more of a laugh of embarrassment
Winter Slip Tips
Winter weather means snow, ice, and a lot of falling. Any emergency room nurse will tell you they see more broken bones, concussions, and lacerations from falling during the winter than any other time of the year. If you want
What is a Shoulder Separation?
A shoulder separation is a coraco-clavicular ligament injury that raises the end of the collarbone, or in layman’s terms, it’s an injury to the ligaments that attach your collarbone to your shoulder. The injury may be mild with a simple
6 Tips for Staying Injury-Free Over the Holidays
Any emergency room doctor will tell you that there is a significant increase in injuries over the holidays. To avoid finding yourself in the emergency room or participating in physical therapy for several months after winter ends, consider these six
Tips for Recovering from Your Orthopaedic Surgery
It would be wonderful if your body returned to its peak condition immediately following an orthopaedic surgery. Unfortunately, once you make it out of the operating room, you still have an important road to travel on your way to recovery.
7 Steps to Prepare for Your Orthopaedic Surgery
Orthopaedic surgery can be a wonderful, helpful step in recovering your health. Whether the surgeon is operating on your leg, hip, shoulder, or elbow, it is important that you do all that you can to help the surgery be a
An Inside Look At Fracture Repair Surgery
The bones in your body are wonderful, strong and even somewhat flexible. When an outside pressure is applied, they can often bend to resist the force. However, when a bone is pushed or pressed too far, they will either snap