The search for the fountain of youth — a spring, issuing from the ground, that produces water that will stop people from aging — has been part of our collective myth tradition for centuries. Many explorers have purportedly gone off
Back On Your Feet: Recovering After Surgery
For those who have required surgery, either from a traumatic injury repair or to otherwise correcting an undesired feature, the process of recovery can be fraught with emotions. Some days, one might feel triumphant as their range of motion starts
Diagnosing and Treating Arthritis
Joint pain is a common ailment for many. But how do you know whether it’s something fleeting, versus something more chronic? Even using the term “arthritis” to describe joint pain can be misleading, as it broadly refers to pain caused
6 Simple Ways to Avoid Shoulder and Elbow Joint Pain
Your arm joints are among the most used axis points in your body. If you’re awake, they’re usually moving, even when you’re at rest. Whether you’re typing on your computer, participating in sports, doing the dishes, or even walking from
A Shoulder to Rely On
There is a high incidence of rotator cuff tendonitis among lifters and athletes. Among those who play golf and tennis, there’s the additional risk of injuring the shoulder after a debilitating elbow strain. The most common cause of shoulder pain
Tips to Avoid Injury During Recreational Sports
If you’re thinking about trying a new sport, there are a few things to keep in mind to help you avoid injury. Sports injuries can be very serious and can lead to even bigger problems down the road. That’s why
Guide to Nutrition for Joint Health
You would be surprised at how much every area of your body and health impact each other. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, the rest of your health will suffer. If you’re stressed, you could find yourself getting sick. The
3 Low Impact Exercises To Do If You Have Bad Knees
If you have any sort of joint pain, you have to be careful when you exercise to make sure that you don’t cause any further damage. This fear alone prevents a lot of people from working out at all. However,
Basics of Wellness to Improve Your Whole Life
So often, we get fixated on one specific area of our health, and in our earnest desire to improve that issue, we neglect the rest of our health and wellness. We see it so often, which is how so many
5 Ways to Keep Your Joints Healthy
As we age, a normal concern is the pain that you start to feel all over your body, specifically in your joints. It’s natural as time goes on, for the cartilage around your joints to get worn away, casing the