So often, we get fixated on one specific area of our health, and in our earnest desire to improve that issue, we neglect the rest of our health and wellness. We see it so often, which is how so many injuries happen. Rarely is an injury a result of one isolated event. Often, it has been an underlying problem for a long time, and you didn’t notice until it got bad enough you simply couldn’t ignore it any longer. It’s overwhelming, to want to keep your entire life in a constant state of peak health, never letting anything slip. Here’s a reminder to keep your basic health in check, to keep you healthy.
Are you getting enough sleep?
You would be surprised how many of your peers are not getting enough sleep every night. If you are someone who isn’t regularly getting enough sleep, you will be surprised at how much better every other aspect of your life is when you are getting the recommended 8 hours of sleep. If you struggle to get enough sleep, you should talk to a specialist and see what you can do to improve the quality of your sleep. Our recommendations are:
-don’t use your phone(or any other screen, including your tv) for an hour before you go to bed.
-Try going to bed 15 minutes earlier. If it takes you a long time to wind down, go to bed earlier so you’ll take that time to wind down, and will fall asleep at an earlier time.
-Stretch or do light exercise right before you go to bed
A well-balanced diet
A balanced diet does wonders for every aspect of your health. Your body needs a variety of vegetables, fruits, carbs, and healthy fats in order to function correctly. Don’t let yourself fall into diet culture, damaging your body and mind. If you aren’t getting the nutrients that you need now, instead of cutting out the “bad” things, just add more good things to what you’re currently eating. If donuts are an important part of your morning, don’t cut them out, instead drink a homemade smoothie or vegetable juice in the morning before your donut. It’s all about balance, not depriving yourself.
Move everyday
Your body quite literally needs to move. You don’t have to start marathon training or get a gym membership tomorrow, you just need to move a little. It’s hard to motivate yourself when it’s so cold outside, but get yourself moving a little. Go on a walk, turn on your favorite music and dance, or park farther away from the store so you have a chance to walk farther throughout the parking lot. If you spend a lot of time at a desk all day, schedule breaks throughout the day to get up and stretch. Your posture will improve, as well as your overall health and the way that you feel.