What’s tennis elbow, you ask? Do only tennis players get it? If I play tennis will I get it? What are the symptoms? Put your worries to rest: all of your questions about tennis elbow will be answered right here.
It can be hard to determine whether you need to see an orthopaedic specialist or not. You may wonder if the money will be worth it, if your condition is bad enough, or if you’re just being a hypochondriac. Here
It would be wonderful if your body returned to its peak condition immediately following an orthopaedic surgery. Unfortunately, once you make it out of the operating room, you still have an important road to travel on your way to recovery.
Orthopaedic surgery can be a wonderful, helpful step in recovering your health. Whether the surgeon is operating on your leg, hip, shoulder, or elbow, it is important that you do all that you can to help the surgery be a
The bones in your body are wonderful, strong and even somewhat flexible. When an outside pressure is applied, they can often bend to resist the force. However, when a bone is pushed or pressed too far, they will either snap
When most people think about joint replacement surgery, they think about the hip or the knee. While these may be the two most common types of joint replacement surgery, shoulder replacement surgery is also on the rise. Currently around 53,000
In our computer-driven world, one medical problem on the rise is carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when one of the key nerves in the wrist (the median nerve) is compressed or squeezed. Housed within the carpal tunnel (a
In order to help alleviate pain or inflammation, your doctor may prescribe a cortisone shot. Most commonly administered to the joints of the body (such as the elbow, hip, knee, ankle, shoulder, wrist, or spine), a cortisone shot is a
When you are experiencing pain, discomfort, and lack of mobility in your body, it is important to explore every possible cause. For problems that are occurring inside your joints, an arthroscopy may be required. An arthroscopy is a surgical examination
The elbow and shoulder are two extremely important parts of your body. They allow you to perform a variety of activities and support many other parts of the body. When there is a problem or pain in this area of